Working from home is the new norm for many. This year has changed the way we live and work. In the process, it has taught us a thing or two we thought we’d never have to learn.
Whether you’re a mom or dad, or you’re both at home, things are most definitely not the norm when your kids are home as well. Many schools remain closed or have opened sporadically while businesses require workers to work remotely. This is a brave new world, especially if you must add homeschooling to the mix.
If there’s a couple in charge, you can share the duties between yourselves. You’ll be taking care of the homeschooling bit, making meals, doing your jobs, fixing things in the home, and hoping you don’t turn into monsters. This is most definitely a challenge that could turn the most together people into nervous wrecks!
Luckily, as far as the homeschooling thing goes, if your kids qualify, they could be enrolled in online homeschooling courses, where the teachers give classes remotely. All that you really must do is check whether your kids are paying attention.

Wi-fi and fast Internet
Hopefully, you are lucky enough to have Wi-fi and fast internet speeds. Many homes don’t even have the Internet, so count yourselves lucky if you do.
There are some ground rules that you must put in place for your peace of mind and for the best interests of the kids.
You know your family better than anyone else. Prepare, though, to get to know them really well. You’re going to put up those boundaries and rules to try and get things on an even keel. And things are going to be pushed to the limit. So, it’s not only you but your kids that are going to have to adapt.
What to do first of all? Have a very important family meeting. Explain the situation to your kids, and why things have changed so drastically. Make sure that they fully understand. Set down the rules.
Consider the needs of your kids with issues, but don’t let them use them to get their own way. Kids can be notoriously sneaky and know which buttons to push. Let them know in no circumstances that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated. You’re all in this together and as a team you have to make the most of this situation.

Don’t disallow Tik Tok!
If your plan is going to work, things like schedules take on added meaning in your home. There must be set times for meals, play, and, well, everything, including Tik Tok! Seriously. Don’t disallow things like that. Your kids have to stay sane as well.
If home schooling is on the list, meaning you must teach the youngsters, there’ll be a set time for that as well. Everything on the list must be stuck to religiously for the grand plan to work. Give or take a couple of minutes each way, but that’s it. Think that you’re in Switzerland, where trains depart on the dot when they’re meant to, without exception.
That’s why things work so well in that country. It’s regimented. That’s how your family plan is going to be. There will be moans and groans from the kids, but don’t be taken in by all that.
As far as you’re concerned, know that your work accomplishments are probably going to take a knock. You must come to terms with this. And if work for a boss, he or she must realize that. They’re probably going thru the same thing.
You can’t multi-task like some super-person for ever without something giving. That’s not what you want.
As far as your work goes, make office rules. If you’re on a Zoom call, you don’t need interruptions from the kids. A closed-door means no entry!